A new Morning

My boy did well overnight, the specialist seemed so much happier (although sounded very tired) although he’s not out of the woods just yet, he’s staying in ICU over night and now really needs to start eating to build himself back up! Thanks to everyone on both sides of the Atlantic for all their prayers, love and support, and for providing me with sufficient information to keep my brain from freaking out… Please keep going for the next few days!

3 thoughts on “A new Morning”

  1. I know you feel like you can at least take one sigh of relief! A great big WHEEEEEEW ….not sure now you sell a “sigh of relief”:-)

    We understand brain freak outs all too well here! So don’t hesitate to come here to vent, scream, cry….AND…most importantly to celebrate the victories!

    We celebrate anything here…first poop..-first pee…first tail wags….and certainly eating good again!

    Will they let you go see Miller? I’m sure he’s still pretty drugged though and seeing zebras and pink elephants all around!

    Keep your chin up and hang in there! You are a brave pawparent! You are ot alone—we are right by your side:-)

    Sending healing energy to sweet Miller!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. yeaaaaaaaah! That is good news that he is doing well… and if the specialist is happier today, albiet a bit tired, but happier is a good sign!!!

    Keep us posted.. !!

  3. Thanks! Unfortunately we’re too far away to visit, the hospital is a couple of hours away and, because we’re getting married next month, (great timing, right!) there are a couple of meetings that have to be done this weekend, but the staff at the hospital are fantastic, I was phoned this evenin by both the specialist and the kennel nurse looking after him, he’s ok, has been doing a lot of sleeping but not much eating, unless the food is actually put into his mouth, but has been drinking, which is great, and lets face it, sounds a lot like a normal greyhound… I can’t wait to see him, I know it’s going to be a shock, he’s badly busied as far forward as his ribs and all down his remaining hind leg, so I’ve got to prepare myself for that, but hopefully we’ll see him Sunday or Monday!

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