The hard part…

And now we wait… Miller made it through surgery, just. Typically, for a retired greyhound he’s lost a lot of blood, a dangerous amount… They’re giving him plenty of blood products to encourage clotting in the small blood vessels in the cut muscle but we just have to wait and see. Hopefully we won’t hear from them ’til morning. I miss my hound.

4 thoughts on “The hard part…”

  1. Oh my goodness. what an adventure to take!! Poor guy… that was my biggest fear with my Franklin was that his leg would break. He had osteosarcoma and a large growth on the side of his knee… he became a tripawd on December 4, 2012. He was 14 at the time.

    But.. the good news is.. that is behind you now.. you have found a great resource site with many helpful blogs, and books and people who will offer the best advice possible and of course.. the advice takes our furbabies at heart!!

    Good that he made it through the survery… things will get better… they adapt with 3 legs without even realizing it. It is us the pawrents who have the hardest time!! lol

    please keep us posted and let us know how the gentleman is doing!!

  2. The worrying is just awful.
    Just know that Miller sounds like he’s in exceptionally good hands and, hopefully, the worse part is over.

    We look forward to your updates. More photos! Miller is a very, very handsome boy and we’d love to see more pictures of him.

    Keeping you in our thoughts tonight,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. Jerry he’s both, don’t worry! Magic Mueller was his race name, we just anglicised it for his “pet name” we generally call him Moo Dawg..

    It’s 6am and we’ve not been woken in the night, so far so good, but I’ll not really relax until there’s news…

    Thanks for your concern!

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